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Five equal parts of the wedding ∬ Shake acrylic brand BOX-10PCS

★1BOX contains 10 セットのproducts. ★メーカーShi様につき1BOXでall kinds of occasionsがございます.ご成ください. ●10 types in total (C)Haruba Nora・Kodansha/"Fifth Half of the Flower Marriage∬" Production Committee ●The cute くくのれるアクリルスタンドが from "Five-quarter Hanayome∬" appears! ●The height...

RE-MENT Cinnamoroll ♡Room♡ (box of 8 pieces)

1BOX purchases all 8 kinds of 揃います. シナモンのかわいいfurniture がいっぱいのルーム Department ぷちサンプル. シナモンフィギュアもついてくるのでごっこ游びもできます. めずらしい円typeのもこもこベッドもかわいい! 【ラインナップ】 これ好きな片组なんだ~ どんな天気もEverything is great! ソファーでまったりしよう 大好きなおやつタイム おえかきしてあそぼ Today's はあわあわおふろだ~ ここがお気に入りのplace Tomorrow's tomorrow!

RE-MENT My Melody Strawberry House (1 box - 8 pieces)

■ Debut colors 1.Magazine rack 2. Sideboard 3.Table 4.Notebook 5.Sofa 6. Record player 7.Laptop 8. Bed
RE-MENT Sanrio Cinnamoroll Kitchen BOX-8PCS

RE-MENT Sanrio Cinnamoroll Kitchen BOX-8PCS

Unopened 1box: 8 pieces per box. 1BOXで、ダブらず揃います. ラインナップ(to be decided) 1. What’s going on today~♪ 2. いいにおい!さくさくクッキー 3. Yaki きたてシナモンロール 4. ふっくらふかふかホットケーキ 5. パイシチューをめしあがれ! 6. きのこたっぷりクリームパスタ 7. ほっとひといきカフェタイム 8. ゆめいっぱい!おかしのおうち...

RE-MENT Little Twin Stars Yumekawa ♡ Picnic (1 box - 8 pieces)

Unopened 1box: 8 pieces per box. 1BOXで、ダブらず揃います. ラインナップ(to be decided) 1. お気に入りのバスケット 2. カンカンhatでおめかし 3. Handmade りマフィンはいかが? 4. お花pickんできたの! 5. お星さまパイも恗上がれ 6. キラキラドリンクですっきり★ 7. Mu Yin's でティータイム 8. とっておきのスイーツ All...

RE-MENT Corner Creature Pastoral Life (1 box - 8 pieces)

【Included content】 1.しろくまの礑づくり 2. Harvest of wild vegetables 3.たぴおかとおおきなかぶ 4.ぺんぎん?の大事なプランター 5.もぐらとすずめのSunbathing 6.みにっコ达のrestタイム 7. The vegetable garden 8.とかげの水やり

RE-MENT Corner Biology Street's foreign confectionery shop (one box - 8 pieces)

Commodity street no confectionery shop June 19, 2017 8 types in total Productフィギュア+ミニシート パッケージBox: 115 (high) × 70 (width) × 40 (Oxen) mm 【Included content】 1. Carton ケーキとモンブラン 2. 搐かしケーキとシュークリーム...
RE-MENT Corner Bio Corner Pharmacy PCS

RE-MENT Corner Bio Corner Pharmacy PCS

■ Product information: - One box: 8 pieces (all 8 styles are packed according to the manufacturer's proportion) ■ Product content: 1. Today is a sunny day 2. カゼひいちゃった 3....

RE-MENT Corner Creatures in the Corner Creature Candy Shop (1 box - 8 pieces)

Product name: すみっコぐらしだがし屋さんのすみっコ September 2020 (reprint release date) Types: 8 types in total Productフィギュア パッケージBox: 115 (high) × 70 (width) × 50 (Oxing) mm 【Included content】 White bear-しろくま skewered pork...

Corner creature food play はじまるよ!わくわく Movie Studio! (1-randomly drawn)

8 types in total 1. Moving masterpiece movie 2. The new work is filmed by にわくわく! 3. ライブビューイングで生り上がろう! 4. Heart of the Heart is a masterpiece! 5. はじめての影视にどきどき 6. チケットはこちらです♪...

Corner creature kindergarten scene set (1 box - 8 pieces)

■Original work: すみっコぐらし ■ Product information: – One box: 8 pieces (all 8 styles are packed according to the manufacturer’s proportion) ■ Product copyright: (C) 2020 San-X Co., Ltd. All...
RE-MENT Corner creature あほのぼのすみっコ日和Everyday Terrarium BOX-6PCS

RE-MENT Corner creature あほのぼのすみっコ日和Everyday Terrarium BOX-6PCS

Product name ほのぼのすみっコ日和Everyday Terrarium November 9, 2020 Types: 6 types in total Product フィギュア+ミニシート パッケージ Box: 115 (high) × 70 (width) × 70 (Oxing) mm 【Included content】 1.シャボン玉であそぼう 2.ひまわり瑑でかくれんぼ 3.あかね色のかえりみち...
RE-MENT Corner Creature Fashion Show (1 box - 8 pieces)

RE-MENT Corner Creature Fashion Show (1 box - 8 pieces)

■ Product specifications 8 unique styles ■ Debut colors – resort style - Wedding dress -Sporty style – Tuxedo – Unicorn dress – twins – monotone style – military style...

RE-MENT Corner creature ようこそ!すみっコレストラン(one box-8 pieces)

【Included content】 1. Famous items! Extra large オムライス 2. ドリンクバーもcharge実! 3. わくわく!おこさまランチ 4. ボリュームたっぷり!あげっコプレート 5. お気に入りのきゅうりサンド 6. Sir!チーズハンバーグ 7. いらっしゃいませ! What is the meaning of the text? 8. おたのしみのデザートタイム♪

RE-MENT Corner Creature Desk Corner Protective Cover BOX-8PCS

■ Product content: 1. しろくま 2. ぺんぎん? 3. とんかつとえびふらいのしっぽ 4. ねこ 5. とかげ 6. とかげ(original object) 7. たぴおか 8.みにっコ ■ Product information: - One box: 8 pieces (all 8 styles...

RE-MENT Corner creature shaped floating flowers (1 box - 6 pieces)

■ Product information: – One box: 6 pieces (all 6 styles are packed according to the manufacturer’s proportion) ■ Characters: Polar Bear/White Bear(しろくま) penguin? (ぺんぎん?) Tonkatsu(とんかつ) Fried shrimp tail(えびふらいのしっぽ) Cat(ねこ)...

RE-MENT Corner Bio Japan Travel Eco Ball ゆるるん♪And Journey~なごみのテラリウム~ (One box - 6 pieces)

■ Product content: – すみっコぐらし神社(とんかつ&えびふらいのしっぽ) – ゆったり川下り(とかげ&とかげ(本物) ) - 雨の通り道(ぺんぎん(本物)) – Natsu no Hanabi (ぺんぎん?&たぴおか) – Japanese garden でまったり(ねこ&ざっそう) – ぬくぬく Winter Hot Spring(しろくま&やま(ゆきやま) &たぴおか) ■ Product information: - One...

RE-MENT Corner creatures stay together (1 box - 6 pieces)

【ラインナップ】All 6 types 1.しろくま&ふろしき 2. ぺんぎん? &ぺんぎん(本物)&たぴおか 3. あげっコたち 4.ねこ&ざっそう 5. とかげ&にせつむり 6. とかげ&とかげ (original item) すみっコたちがかわいいケースの中で Sleeping roomです. ケースは梦かわいいファンシーなデザインで, 小物入れとしても使えます.
RE-MENT Corner Creature Zhongliang Corner Park PCS

RE-MENT Corner Creature Zhongliang Corner Park PCS

Product Japanese name: すみっコぐらしなかよしすみっこPark [リーメント] 【Product content】 1. たのしいおすべり 2. おやまの上でじぶん探し 3. ゆらゆらヒコーキきぶん♪ 4. おすなばあそび 5. ブランコたのしいな 6. ちょうちょつーかまえたっ! 7. なかよしあげっココンビ 8. シーソーしてあそぼ ワクワクたのしいすみっこpark!みんなでNakaliang く游ぼう! ・たのしい游器がいっぱい! ・Playing equipment is easy...
RE-MENT Corner Bio Hamburger Shop BOX-8PCS

RE-MENT Corner Bio Hamburger Shop BOX-8PCS

【ラインナップ】 1.できたてハンバーガー 2. What's the use of? 3.フローズンもおすすめです! 4. Notes on accounting and accounting♪ 5.よくばりトリプルバーガーセット 6.きゅうりましましセット 7.お楽しみキッズセット 8. 食べたらおかたづけ! 1BOX: 8 pieces All 8 types, シークレット无し ※1BOX's full range of...
RE-MENT Food Play Corner Creature Food Delivery Boy BOX-6PCS

RE-MENT Food Play Corner Creature Food Delivery Boy BOX-6PCS

【ラインナップ】 1.しろくま・ハンバーガーセット 2.ねこ・おsushi 3.とんかつ・えびかつ丼 4.ぺんぎん?・ピザ 5.とかげ・フィッシュカレー 6.ぺんぎん(本物)・アイス 1BOX: 6 pieces All 6 types, シークレット无し
RE-MENT Corner Creature Train にのってしゅっぱつしんこう! BOX-8PCS

RE-MENT Corner Creature Train にのってしゅっぱつしんこう! BOX-8PCS

■ Product information: – One box: 8 pieces (all 8 styles are packed according to the manufacturer’s proportion)
RE-MENT Corner Friends Secret Garden Party BOX-8PCS

RE-MENT Corner Friends Secret Garden Party BOX-8PCS

■ Product information: – One box: 8 pieces (all 8 styles are packed according to the manufacturer’s proportion)
RE-MENT Corner creature conveyor belt sushi BOX-8PCS
RE-MENT Kirby Kirby Tower

RE-MENT Kirby Kirby Tower

This is Re-ment's miniature series! Playable and collectible! Incorporate them into your various collections! ■ Product specifications - 6 models in a set ■ Debut style 1. GREEN GREENS 2....
RE-MENT Shokukan Hoshi no Kung Fu Star - Game Selection - (1 box - 6 pcs)

RE-MENT Shokukan Hoshi no Kung Fu Star - Game Selection - (1 box - 6 pcs)

1 あしたはあしたのかぜがふく(星のカービィ) 2 Dream of the Spring (The Story of the Star) 3ホールインワン! (カービィボウル) 4シティトライアル-ヒコウ-(カービィのエアライド) 5 The other side of the traveler Malan (Star Novel Wii) 6Let's Make Friends! (星のカービィスターアライズ)...

RE-MENT Kirby Pittori Collection (box of 8 pieces)

Product name: Hoshi no Hoshino Hoshino Hoshino August 3, 2020 Types: 8 types in total Product フィギュア+両面综合テープ パッケージ Box: 90 (high) × 70 (width) × 50 (Oxing) mm

Re-ment Crayon Shin-chan table decorations, 6 types in total

6 types in total 1. お片づけはきらいだゾ (小物入れ) 2. いつものネネちゃんじゃない…(ペンスタンド) 3.あー?もえP-?(ハンコスタンド) 4. ケツだけ星人ーぶりぶりー(メモスタンド) 5. Nohara of Futaba Shoji (named Tachibana) 6. シロのおうち(お Fruit enters)

RE-MENT Pokemon Terrarium Collection 9 Pokemon Ball Bonsai 9 (6 pieces per box)

■Original work: ポケットモンスター ■ Product information: – One box: 6 pieces (all 6 styles are packed according to the manufacturer’s proportion) ■Manufacturer: リーメント ■ English name: Terrarium Collection 9 (6...

RE-MENT Pokemon あつめてひろがる!ポケモンワールドきらめきの海(1 box-6 pieces)

Product name ポケットモンスターあつめてひろがる!ポケモンワールドきらめきの海 November 2, 2020 Types: 6 types in total Product フィギュア+ガム (1 piece) パッケージ Box: 70 (high) × 140 (frame) × 45 (Oxing) mm 【Included content】 Pikachu &...

RE-MENT My Hero Academia DESKTOP HEROES (1 box - 6 pieces)

Product name Servant's のヒーローアカデミアDESKTOP HEROES December 7, 2020 Types: 8 types in total Productフィギュア パッケージBox: 80 (tall) × 140 (width) × 65 (Oxing) mm 【ラインナップ】 01 Midoriya Izuku Pen Holder...

RE-MENT Hamutaro Room Hamutaro Room (set of 8 styles)

■ Debut colors (8 styles in a set) – Snack time – Delicious seeds – Decorate my room – sleep in bed – Let’s cook something. - take a break...

RE-MENT Pokemon STAINED GLASS Collection (box-6 pieces)

Product name Pokémon STAINED GLASS Collection 発売日 February 27, 2021 type All 6 types Product content 1. Pikachu-ピカチュウ 2. Mengmeng-Miryu 3. Ho-oh-ホウオウ 4. Lugia-ルギア 5. Moon Eevee-ブラッキー 6. Gardevoir-Sauna The...

RE-MENT Kirby Kirby!ベーカリーカフェ(one box-8 pieces)

Product name Hoshi no のカービィあつまれ!ベーカリーカフェ February 8, 2021 8 types in total Productフィギュア パッケージBox: 90 (tall) × 70 (width) × 55 (Oxing) mm 【Included content】 1. クリームたっぷりいちごサンド 2. つやつやキャラメルのフレンチトースト 3....

RE-MENT Pokemon Table Corner Protective Case (1 box - 6 pieces)

【Included content】 Pikachu (Pikachu/Pikachu) Strange Seeds (Bulbasaur) Scorbunny Yamper Psyduck Goomy Dedenne Gengar ■ Product information: - One box: 8 pieces (all 8 styles are packed according to the manufacturer's...

RE-MENT Pokemon Food and Play Pokemon Street Night Road (1 box - 6 pieces)

This is the city where Pokémon live. Pikachu gets lost in the dark streets after nightfall... A combination product that can represent various scenarios. 【Included content】 1. Pikachu & Candlelight...

RE-MENT Pokemon Food and Play Pokemon Forest 6 Hikari Place (1 box - 6 pieces)

The sixth installment in the original series where Pokémon play in the forest. The theme is "A beautiful place". It can be decorated independently or combined freely. All 8 types...

RE-MENT Pokemon Pokémon Gem Collection Series Mini Figure Decoration (1 box - 6 pieces)

■ Appearance of Pokemon – Pikachu & Pichu – Flareon – Milotic – Misdreavus – Absol – Celebi ■ Product content – A set of 6 styles The new Pokemon...

RE-MENT Pokemon Petite Fleur Seasonal Flowers Perfume Bottle (Box of 6)

■ Characters: Pikachu (Pikachu/Pikachu) Sakura Beautiful flower (Bellossom) Mudkip Lapras Ootate Glaceon ■ Product content – A set of 6 styles New Pokemon perfume bottle decoration

RE-MENT Pokemon edible potted plant decorations (1 box - 6 pieces)

■ Appearance of Pokemon – Pikachu – Vulpix (Alola Form) – Ho-Oh – Poliwag and Goldeen – Mawile – Lucario ■ Product content – A set of 6 styles

RE-MENT Pokemon きらめく星のねがいごと (one box - 6 pieces)

【ラインナップ】 ピカチュウ&イーブイ ガラルポニータ プラスル&マイナン フライゴン デンリュウ ミュウ 1BOX: 6 pieces All 6 types, シークレット无し
RE-MENT Pokemon Petite Fleur EX Galar Region (1 box - 6 pieces)

RE-MENT Pokemon Petite Fleur EX Galar Region (1 box - 6 pieces)

【ラインナップ】 ピカチュウ&ワンパチ マホイップ ガラルポニータ メッソン サルノリ ヒバニー 1BOX: 6 pieces All 6 types

RE-MENT Pokemon Desktop Figure Battle on Desk! (1 box - 6 pieces)

【ラインナップ】 ピカチュウVSルカリオ[はどうだん、ボルテッカー] (スマホスタンド) ブラッキー[あくのはどう] (ハンコスタンド) バシャーモ[ブレイズキック] (ペンスタンド) バンギラス[ストーンエッジ] (ペンスタンド) シャンデラ[おにび] (リップ&リングスタンド) ジュナイパー[かげぬい] (ふせんスタンド&マルチトレイ) 1BOX: 6 pieces All 6 types

RE-MENT Pokemon Food and Play Friends Series Mini Doll Decorations (1 box - 6 pieces)

■ Appearance of Pokemon 1. Pikachu & Pichu 2. Starly 3. Wooloo & Mareep 4. Rowlets 5. Goomy & Ditto 6.Piplup ■ Product content – A set of 6 styles...

RE-MENT Pokemon Terrarium Collection Pokemon Ball Bonsai Seasons 2 (6 pieces per box)

■ Characters: Whimsicott Pikachu (Pikachu/Pikachu) Mantyke Pumpkaboo Mimikyu Emolga Glaceon Fennekin
RE-MENT Pokemon Eat Play Sweet Sleep Crystal Ball PCS

RE-MENT Pokemon Eat Play Sweet Sleep Crystal Ball PCS

■ Characters: 1. ピカチュウ 2. アローラロコン 3. エルフーン 4. チラーミィ 5. Malibu 6. ガラルポニータ ■ Product content - A set of 6 styles
RE-MENT Pokemon Food Desktop Figure Galar Region BOX-8PCS

RE-MENT Pokemon Food Desktop Figure Galar Region BOX-8PCS

【ラインナップ】 ・ピカチュウ(キョダイマックスのすがた)マルチトレイ ・サルノリペンスタンド ・ヒバニーハンコスタンド ・メッソンマルチトレイ ・ウールーカードスタンド ・ワンパチメガネスタンド ・ネギガナイトふせんスタンド ・ポニータ(ガラルのすがた)マルチトレイ 1BOX: 8 pieces All 8 types, シークレット无し ※1BOX's full range of products

RE-MENT Pokemon Dreaming Case 4 Lovely Midnight Hours (1 box - 6 pieces)

1, Pikachu & Zigzagoon (Galarian Form) 2, Mimikyu 3. Drakloak 4, Pumpkaboo 5, Misdreavus 6, Gengar 1BOX: 6 pieces All 6 types, シークレット无し ※1BOX's full range of products

RE-MENT Hunter X Hunter Corner Protective Case (box-6 pieces)

【ラインナップ】 1. ゴン 2.Kara 3. クラピカ 4. レオリオ 5.ヒソカ 6. MAHA 1BOX: 6 pieces All 6 types, シークレット无し
RE-MENT Pokémon Forest 7 Weather Tree PCS

RE-MENT Pokémon Forest 7 Weather Tree PCS

RE:MENT Pokémon Best Friend Wood 2 Carefree Afternoon PCS
RE-MENT Pokemon Underwater World Weather Bottle PCS

RE-MENT Pokemon Underwater World Weather Bottle PCS

■ Debut colors (8 styles in a set) - Snack time - Delicious seeds - Decorate my room - sleep in bed - Let's cook something. - take a break...
RE-MENT My Hero Academia DesQ-Plus Ultra Battle PCS
RE-MENT Hatsune Miku Series DesQ P@rty on Desk♪ PCS
RE-MENT Kirby & Words PCS

RE-MENT Kirby & Words PCS

■ Debut colors (8 styles in a set) - Snack time - Delicious seeds - Decorate my room - sleep in bed - Let's cook something. - take a break...


ポケモンガーデン~木流れ日のafternoon~ Product name ポケモンガーデン~木流れ日のafternoon~ 発売日 April 29, 2023 6 types in total Productフィギュア Box: 70 (height) × 140 (frame) × 65 (Ao Xing) mm
RE-MENT Detective Conan SECRET BOOK collection PCS

RE-MENT Detective Conan SECRET BOOK collection PCS

Detective コナンSECRET BOOK collection Product name Detective コナンSECRET BOOK collection Toy and souvenir shops, キャラクターショップ, etc. April 24, 2023 6 types in total Productフィギュア パッケージBox: 115 (high) × 70 (width)...


クレヨンしんちゃんテラリウムまいにちがたのしいゾ! Product name クレヨンしんちゃんテラリウムまいにちがたのしいゾ! 発売日 April 29, 2023 6 types in total Productフィギュア Box: 115 (height) × 70 (frame) × 70 (Ao Xing) mm

RE-MENT SNOOPY & FRIENDS Terrarium Happiness with Snoopy [6 types in total]

6 types in total 1. しあわせは…あったかい子狗. 2. しあわせは…Youda と语り合うこと. 3. しあわせは…チョコチップクッキー. 4. It’s time to pass the time. 5. しあわせは…あったかいブランケット. 6. しあわせは…ゆったりとしたlife.
Re-ment Snoopy Collection of Words Snoopy letter ornaments (original box of 6 pieces)


November 16, 2020 8 types in total Productフィギュア+Miniシートパッケージ Box: 130 (height) × 70 (frame) × 50 (Ao Xing) mm

RE-MENT SNOOPY WEATHER Terrarium (box of 6 pieces)

RE-MENT plays the "Crystal Bottle (Terrarium/ハッピーテラリウム)" series in a box in a glass bottle. This time, Snoopy is combined with the weather theme, and different glass bottle containers are used...

RE-MENT Snoopy retro study series mini model (box of 8)

■ Debut colors 1. table 2. Cork board 3. Bookshelf 4. Typewriter 5. Drawers 6. Telephone 7. Camera 8. Chair After releasing a variety of Snoopy furniture and supplies, this...


リーメントスヌーピーSNOOPY's LIFE in a BOTTLE Product NameSNOOPY's LIFE in a BOTTLE April 24, 2023 6 types in total Productフィギュア パッケージBox: 115 (tall) × 70 (width) × 60 (Oxing) mm

RE-MENT Mini Realistic Model Series Japanese Room Furnishings よきかな和の木らし(One box-8 pieces)

Product name: ぷちサンプルよきかな和の木らし September 2020 (reprint release date) Types: 8 types in total Productフィギュア パッケージBox: 115 (tall) × 70 (width) × 40 (Oxen) mm 「和の木らし」をテーマにしたミニチュアフィギュア. 箪笥や文机といった大物アイテムやおせちCUISINE, 郷土 toysなど,伝同的な日本の木らしをexpressionしたアイテムをラインナップ. There are...

RE-MENT Mini Realistic Model Series BAKERY PETIT (1 box - 8 pieces)

Product name: BAKERY PETIT September 2020 (reprint release date) Types: 8 types in total Productフィギュア パッケージBox: 115 (high) × 70 (width) × 40 (Oxen) mm Luxi ひっそ と と と...
RE-MENT Today is Luxurious Sushi Day Today is は赘沢おsushiのDay

RE-MENT Today is Luxurious Sushi Day Today is は赘沢おsushiのDay

【Summary of Specifications】 ・Year of the elephant: 8 years old or above ・Battery: Not required ・セットContents: Background ジオラマpaper wall bed 1 each inside and outside seat cloth red x1 Seat...

RE-MENT Today is roasted pork. Today is roasted pork!じゅうじゅう苑

【Summary of Specifications】 【Summary of Specifications】 ・Year of the elephant: 8 years old or above ・Battery: Not required ・セットContents:・ジオラマBackground paper (wall and bed)*1 piece each ・Pan(タレ)*2セット ・Pan(タレ・レモン)*2セット ・タレ、レモンjuice ・トング ・Chopsticks*4...

RE-MENT Drug Store small pharmacy scene set (one box - 8 pieces)

■ Product information: – One box: 8 pieces (all 8 styles are packed according to the manufacturer’s proportion) ■ Product copyright: (C) 2020 RE-MENT ■Manufacturer: リーメント ■ English name: Petit...

RE-MENT Meiji's most blessed time BOX

RE-MENT Meiji's most blessed time BOX ●Unopened 1BOX: 8 pieces included. ●シークレットなし ●ラインナップ(to be decided) 1. ちょっと Rest and rest 2. Ogiri Naren no Si いを込めて… 3. お三権のおともに 4. The...

RE-MENT Taisho family props miniature series (one box - 8 pieces)

●Unopened 1BOX: 8 pieces included. ●シークレットなし ●ラインナップ(to be decided) 1. The hot pot inside the stove 2. What to eat every day? 3. ぴかぴかの新米をいただきます 4. The product of おye's self-slowness...

RE-MENT Parent Home Miniature Series BOX-8PCS

●Unopened 1BOX: 8 pieces included. ●シークレットなし ●ラインナップ(to be decided) 1. この灊ばあちゃんとよくお出かけしたよね! 2. 见たいテレビ多すぎるよ~ 3. あんまり Drink みOVER ぎるとお mother さんに火られるよ! 4. すぐkernel oil enters れるから出っててね! 5. お mother さん, privy...
RE-MENT – Kotatsu Kotatsu Kotatsu

RE-MENT – Kotatsu Kotatsu Kotatsu

RE-MENT - DOBER's barber shop miniature series (original box of 8 pieces)

RE-MENT - DOBER's barber shop miniature series (original box of 8 pieces)

RE-MENT – ぷちサンプルシリーズDOBER'S BARBER SHOP DOBER's BARBERSHOP Y800 (4521121506593) (REMENT506593) Product name: DOBER's barber shop Manufacturer: RE-MENT original box
Re-ment - My diary of eight days spent in the countryside miniature series (set of 8)

Re-ment - My diary of eight days spent in the countryside miniature series (set of 8)

■ Product information: – One box: 8 pieces (all 8 styles are packed according to the manufacturer’s proportion)
Rement - Taisho Roman -A great family- The Fuchido family
Rement - Taisho Roman -A modern girl-Daisho Romantic Fashion Girl's Daily Life

Max Factory PLAMAX MS-13 The Legend of the Demon Heroes Kongou Maru

The third installment of the Steel Clothes series launches the large portion of Steel Clothes Kongou Maru! The third installment of the "Steel Clothes" series of OVA "Demon Heroes" products...

Max Factory PLAMAX MS-15 Demon Hero Legend Steel Clothes Genoh Pill

The fourth installment of the Steel Suit series launches the superhero-style, fun and handsome "Steel Suit Genoumaru"! ! The fourth installment of the "Steel Clothes" series of OVA "Demon Heroes"...

Max Fartory Fate/Grand Order Ruler Joan of Arc figma

Please protect us with the power of the Lord! From the super popular mobile game "Fate/Grand Order", the figma of the Ruler class servant "Joan of Arc" has been decided...
BANDAI Dragon Ball Colored Paper ART 11

BANDAI Dragon Ball Colored Paper ART 11

【1BOX】10 pieces included [1 piece] 1 piece of ミニ colored paper + 1 piece of チューインガム 16 types in total: 1. Son Goku Super Sailor 2 2.ベジータ超サイヤ人 3.トランクス 4. Artificial...

BANDAI Shokukan Twinkle Dolly Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba 1

On sale in August 2021 12 pieces per box 1. Kamado Tanjiro 2. My wife is kind 3. Inosuke Mouhira 4. Hu Dieren 5. Chestnut flowers fall and fragrant flowers...