MTG Universes Beyond: Warhammer 40,000 (40K) Commander Deck Collector's Edition - Necron Dynasties
MTG Universes Beyond: Warhammer 40,000 (40K) Commander Deck Collector’s Edition - Necron Dynasties
- Release Date: October 7, 2022
- Collector’s Edition Warhammer 40,000 Commander Deck
- 100-card Surge Foil deck—including 2 Surge Foil commanders
- 1 Surge Foil Display Commander
- 10 double-sided Surge Foil tokens
- 1 life tracker
- 1 deck box
- First release to include Surge Foil cards
- Introduces 42 Warhammer-themed cards
- Gameplay: Conquer the galaxy in epic multiplayer Magic games set in the world of the popular tabletop miniatures game, Warhammer 40,000
- Case Configuration: 4 decks per carton
- Pack Dimensions: 2.126" x 7.677" x 7.047" (54mm x 1945m x 179mm)
- Pack Weight: 0.672 lbs. (0.305 kg)
- UPC: 195166173443
- SKU: D07810000
Additional Information:
- The Epistolary Librarian card in the Forces of the Imperium deck and the Exalted Flamer of Tzeentch card in The Ruinous Powers deck will, in many of the printed decks, appear in the section of the deck containing tokens.
#MTG #UniversesBeyond #Warhammer40000 #CommanderDeck #CollectorsEdition #TyranidSwarm #ReadyToPlay #SurgeFoil #DisplayCommander #DoubleSidedTokens #LifeTracker #DeckBox #WarhammerThemedCards #MagicTheGathering #MultiplayerGames #TabletopMiniaturesGame #CaseConfiguration #PackDimensions #PackWeight #LanguagesAvailable #UPC #SKU