Title: Embark on an Adventure with Pokémon TCG: Sword & Shield Silver Tempest - Cranidos Blister!
Description: Hear the ominous rumble and witness Lugia VSTAR rising from the depths of the ocean in response. Explore uncharted territories with Alolan Vulpix VSTAR, while Serperior, Unown, and Mawile join the expedition as Pokémon VSTARend. Prepare for an epic battle as Regieleki VMAX and Regidrago VSTAR awaken from their slumber. Uncover potent alliances in the Trainer Gallery and set sail for thrilling adventures with the Pokémon TCG: Sword & Shield—Silver Tempest expansion!
The Silver Tempest Checklane Blister Includes:
- 1 Pokémon TCG: Sword & Shield—Silver Tempest booster pack (10 cards and 1 basic energy)
- 1 Foil Card featuring Cranidos
- 1 Large Coin
- 1 Code Card for the Trading Card Game Online
Embark on an extraordinary journey and unleash the power of the Silver Tempest with the Pokémon TCG: Sword & Shield—Silver Tempest - Cranidos Blister!
- #PokemonTCG
- #SwordAndShield
- #SilverTempest
- #Cranidos
- #Basculin
- #BoosterPack
- #FoilCard
- #LargeCoin
- #CodeCard
- #TCGOnline
- #PokemonCollectors
- #PokemonCommunity
- #TradingCardGame
- #CardGame
- #PokémonBattle
- #PokemonTrainers
- #GottaCatchEmAll
- #PokemonAddict
- #PokemonCards
- #PokemonCollection