Duel Masters DM22-BD3 開発部Selection Deck「7軸ガチロボ」
Product Name: DM22-BD3 Game Designers Selection Deck: 7-axis Gachirobo Translation: Game Designers Selection Deck: 7-axis Gachirobo Release Date: March 18, 2023 Next Set: DM23-BD1 Legend Super Deck: Creation of the Forbidden King Previous Set: DM22-BD2 Game Designers Selection Deck: Light Water Fire Kira Star Block: God of Abyss GoA Civilization(s): Light / Water / Darkness / Fire / Nature Main Race(s): Hunter
Description: Game Designers Selection Deck: 7-axis Gachirobo is the 3rd DM22-BD set in the OCG. It consists of a 40 card main deck. 16 Super Rare cards and 10 Very Rare cards are included. It is based on the Gachanko Gachirobo decktype.
Contents: The set contains a variety of cards, including:
Cards (with ☆ having a new artwork):
- 1/14 King Manifest
- 2/14 Leledy Ba Gooba / Twinpact Map
- 3/14 Gachanko Gachirobo ☆
- 4/14 Holyend, Destiny Dragon Armored / Now or Never
- 5/14 DOOOPPLER Macule
- 6/14 Bolbalzak Ex
- 7/14 Redgirazone, Roaring Revolution
- 8/14 Royal Straight Flush Kaiser / Allin Charger ☆
- 9/14 Medicalar Cobalt Kaiser / Eyed Wise Shutter
- 10/14 Double Cross DD Zeta, Concatenated Awakened
- 11/14 Cyber I Choice
- 12/14 Stegoro Kaiser, Struggling Battlekind / Purification Sharrup
- 13/14 Smapon
- 14/14 Ichigotchi Tank / Let’s Goichigo
Contents sorted by Civilizations:
- Water Civilization: 5
- Fire Civilization: 7
- Nature Civilization: 12
- Light Water: 5
- Light Fire: 4
- Fire Nature: 1
- Light Darkness Fire: 2
- Water Fire Nature: 2
- Water Nature: 2
Tags: #DM22BD3 #GameDesignersSelectionDeck #7axisGachirobo #OCG #Hunter #GodOfAbyssGoA #SuperRareCards #VeryRareCards #GachankoGachiroboDecktype
DM22-BD3 デュエル・マスターズTCG 開発部セレクションデッキ「7軸ガチロボ」
■卡牌40枚 ■紙製卡盒1個
發售日 2023年3月18日