Title: Pokémon TCG: Vaporeon VMAX, Jolteon VMAX, and Flareon VMAX Premium Collections [US Version]
Description: Showcase your elemental mastery with the Pokémon TCG: Vaporeon VMAX, Jolteon VMAX, and Flareon VMAX Premium Collections! Inspired by Eevee's remarkable Evolutions, these collections allow you to harness the power of Vaporeon VMAX, Jolteon VMAX, and Flareon VMAX. Dive into battles with the relentless force of the sea, charge in with maximum voltage, or burn the opposition with fiery passion. Each Premium Collection includes three stunning full-art cards, an oversize card for display, a pin, coin, and 6 booster packs.
Each Pokémon TCG: VMAX Premium Collection includes:
- 1 etched card featuring Vaporeon VMAX, Jolteon VMAX, or Flareon VMAX
- 1 full-art card featuring Vaporeon V, Jolteon V, or Flareon V
- 1 etched oversize card featuring Vaporeon VMAX, Jolteon VMAX, or Flareon VMAX, suitable for display
- 1 colorful pin featuring Vaporeon, Jolteon, or Flareon
- 6 Pokémon TCG booster packs
- 1 large metallic coin
- A code card for the Pokémon Trading Card Game Online
- #PokemonTCG
- #VaporeonVMAX
- #JolteonVMAX
- #FlareonVMAX
- #PremiumCollections
- #USVersion
- #EeveeEvolutions
- #FullArtCards
- #OversizeCard
- #PinCollection
- #BoosterPacks
- #PokemonCollectors
- #TCGCommunity
- #PokemonFans
- #TradingCardGame
- #PokemonUSA
- #CardGameCollection
- #PokemonMaster
- #PokemonCommunity
- #PokemonAddict