MTG Commander Masters (CMM) Collector Booster BOX
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Commander Masters Collector Boosters

  • Contents:
    • 4 Traditional foil commons
    • 2 Traditional foil uncommons
    • 1 Traditional foil basic land in the retro frame
    • 2 Non-foil borderless commons or uncommons
    • 1 Traditional foil borderless common or uncommon
    • 1 Traditional foil rare or mythic rare
    • 1 Foil-etched rare or mythic rare
    • 1 Non-foil (in 80% of boosters) or traditional foil (in 20% of boosters) extended-art rare or mythic rare from Commander Masters Commander decks (Note: Saga and planeswalker cards do not receive extended-art treatments and do not appear here.)
    • 1 Non-foil borderless rare or mythic rare
    • 1 Traditional foil or textured foil (in 4% of boosters) rare or mythic rare
    • 1 Traditional foil double-faced token

Commander Decks

  • Contents:
    • 1 Ready-to-play 100-card Commander deck
    • 2 Traditional foil new-to-Magic legendary creatures that can serve as the deck’s commander
    • 8 Non-foil new-to-Magic rares specific to that deck
    • 90 Non-foil Magic cards, including basic lands
    • 1 Foil-etched display commander printed on thicker cardstock
    • 1 Collector Booster Sample Pack
    • 1 Non-foil or traditional foil extended-art or borderless Commander Masters rare or mythic rare card
    • 1 Traditional foil borderless Commander Masters common or uncommon
    • 10 Double-faced tokens
    • A cardboard deck box and spindown life counter


#CommanderMasters #CollectorBoosters #CommanderDecks #MagicTheGathering #MTG #TraditionalFoil #NonFoil #BorderlessCards #FoilEtched #ExtendedArt #DoubleFacedToken #ReadyToPlay #NewToMagic #LegendaryCreatures #SpecificDeckRares #BasicLands #DisplayCommander #CollectorBoosterSamplePack #CardBox #SpindownLifeCounter