Commander Masters
- Set Code: CMM
- Tabletop Legality: Legacy, Vintage, Commander, and other Eternal formats
- MTG Arena Legality: Not available on MTG Arena
- Website: Commander Masters
Important Dates
- Debut and Previews Begin: July 11
- Commander Deck Previews: July 17–20
- Card Image Galleries Complete: July 21
- Pre-Prerelease with LoadingReadyRun: July 21
- WPN Premium Store Preview Events: July 28–30
- Command Zone Podcast’s Extra Turns Gameplay: August 2
- Global Tabletop Launch: August 4
Product Details
- Release Date: August 4, 2023
- Availability: Local game store, Amazon, and elsewhere Magic products are sold
- Contents: 130 commons, 135 uncommons, 135 rares, and 35 mythic rares. Of the rares and mythic rares, 53 of the rares and 15 of the mythic rares are legendary.
Booster Fun
- Borderless Profile Legendary Creatures
- Borderless Frame Break Cards
- Borderless Cards
- Textured Foil and Foil-Etched Cards
- Extended-Art Cards
- Retro Frame Basic Lands
Draft Boosters
- Contents: 11 Commons, 3 Nonlegendary uncommons, 2 Legendary uncommons, 1 Legendary rare or mythic rare, 1 Nonlegendary rare or mythic rare, 1 Nonlegendary uncommon or nonlegendary rare or mythic rare
#CommanderMasters #MagicTheGathering #MTG #Commander #Legacy #Vintage #EternalFormats #MTGArena #LoadingReadyRun #WPNPremiumStore #CommandZonePodcast #GlobalTabletopLaunch #BorderlessCards #TexturedFoil #FoilEtchedCards #ExtendedArtCards #RetroFrameBasicLands #DraftBoosters #CollectorBoosters #CommanderDecks