air tracking エアロトレイル Aero Trail When you put this Pokémon from your hand into your bench, you can place any number of them in any way. Energy cards move from...

over $500 HKD



Availability: Out Of Stock
Product Type: PKMCN
characteristic air tracking
Aero Trail
When you put this Pokémon from your hand into your bench, you can place any number of them in any way. Electric TCG.png Energy cards move from other Pokémon to this Pokémon. If you do this, you need to exchange it with the active Pokémon.
Self-divided fan, このカードを手札からベンチに出したとき, and 1-time user. Self-divided field のポケモンについているElectric TCG.pngエネルギーを好きなだけ、このポケモンにつけ为える. In the case of つけけえた, このポケモンをバトルポケモンと enters れえる.
When you play this Pokémon from your hand onto your Bench during your turn, you may move any number of Electric TCG.png Energy from your other Pokémon to this Pokémon. If you do, switch this Pokémon with your Active Pokémon.
Electric TCG.png Electric TCG.png General TCG.png High altitude flying claw
Sky-High Claws
Electric TCG.png Electric TCG.png General TCG.png Kapu Thunder GX
Tapu Thunder GX
The basic damage of this attack is "50 × the number of energy cards on all the opponent's Pokémon". [During the battle, your team can only use GX moves once. ]
The number of hands in the field × 50 ダメージ. [対戦中,自分はGXワザを1期しか使えない. ]
This attack does 50 damage times the amount of Energy attached to all of your opponent's Pokémon. (You can't use more than 1 GX attack in a game.)
weakness Resistance Withdrawal fee General TCG.pngGeneral TCG.png

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