Cull ふるいおとす Weed Out Can be used once during your turn. Choose your 3 backup Pokémon. Then, discard any of your benched Pokémon that were not selected and any cards...

over $500 HKD



Availability: 26 In Stock
Product Type: PKMCN
characteristic Cull
Weed Out
Can be used once during your turn. Choose your 3 backup Pokémon. Then, discard any of your benched Pokémon that were not selected and any cards attached to them.
I will send you one of my own assignments once in a while. Choose your own 3 pieces of のベンチポケモンを. After その, choose んでいない to divide all members of のベンチポケモンと, ついているすべてのカードを, and トラッシュする.
Once during your turn (before your attack), you may choose 3 of your Benched Pokémon. Then, discard your other Benched Pokémon.
Evil TCG.png Evil TCG.png General TCG.png dark destruction
Dark Destruction
You can choose 1 energy you carry and discard it. If you do this, discard 1 Energy attached to your opponent's active Pokémon.
のぞむなら, このポケモンについているエネルギーを, 1 トラッシュする. In this case, the matchmaker's hand is the same as the one in the hand, and one is the hand.
You may discard an Energy from this Pokémon. If you do, discard an Energy from your opponent's Active Pokémon.
weakness Fighting TCG.png ×2 resistance Superpower TCG.png -20 Withdrawal fee General TCG.pngGeneral TCG.png

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